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Friday, June 6, 2014

Road Apples, #150

It's been a heck of a week...and then some.  My cup runnith over with changes, both at home and at work, but that's okay; to quote Heraclitus, "The only thing that is constant is change.".  I really and truly do believe that it is possible to learn to handle change well.  Yes, I think we all may get that initial sinking feeling in our guts when we get a bit of unexpected news, but in the end we decide whether that sinking feeling is a blip in time or whether it becomes an all-consuming black hole.  It's almost a higher brain vs instinctive brain kind of thing.

The one of the better science fiction shows to come along in a while.  You can catch it on Hulu.  The actor that plans Councillor Kane, Henry Ian Cusick, is simply outstanding (it helps that the Mr Cusick's character is exceptionally well written).

Solid State Portable Drives...I was thinking about buying one, although I really don't need one.  That might be some kind of "Geek Test" - You might be a Geek if you randomly covet tech that you really don't need anyway.

News from the Flat Earth Society...The Texas GOP will most likely add a provision in their official party platform that endorses so-called "Reparative Therapy".  Reference HERE.  As for me, I no more think that Johnny can be more made "un-gay" than he could be made "gay" in the first place.  I know this to be true on an instinctive level because I am not gay, and quite frankly there is nothing that could, in fact, make me gay.  That's okay though, because I personally don't give darn what anyone's sexuality is, or is not.  It's none of my business and by extension I am also comfortable saying that it is none of the Texas GOP's business either.  Anyway, don't take my word for it that reparative therapy is full of crap, but rather take the words of the professional societies that actually know stuff about psychological well-being.  To that end, I note the following:

"According to the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, (NARTH) the only mental health professional organization that promotes reparative therapy, a number of organizations formed a coalition to oppose reparative therapy. The group includes:

bulletAmerican Academy of Pediatrics
bulletAmerican Counseling Association
bulletAmerican Federation of Teachers
bulletAmerican Medical Association
bulletAmerican Psychiatric Association
bulletAmerican Psychological Association
bulletThe Interfaith Alliance
bulletNational Association of School Psychologists
bulletNational Association of Social Workers
bulletNational Association of Secondary School Principals
bulletNational Education Association
bulletNew Ways Ministries
bulletPeople for the American Way. 17"

Citation HERE.  And HERE.  And HERE.  In the end, if it's not broken, it doesn't need to be fixed (or repaired in this case).

In Other News...After dealing with a weighty topic such as trying to un-gay people, I think it's time to end this on a higher note.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Sting.

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