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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Moving Day

...socializing two adult cats
...moving ginormously heavy new bedroom furniture
...disconnecting skeezy old washer texting updates from site A to site B 
...electrical tape, reams of it
...sweeping up in the basement
...coordinating with the plumber
...coordinating with the carpenter
...telling the painter he has 2 hours to finish his work
...finding that thing you never knew you had
...wondering "Why in the Hell did I ever pack that?"
...wishing you still had Scranton's stupidly liberal garbage pickup (for just one day)
...amazingly discovering food in the refrigerator
...self pat on the back when you get all the cords run in the bedroom
...wondering "why does it have to be 2 outside?"
...running the vacuum cleaner again, and again, and again
...finding the newly socialized cats hiding in all manner of places and spaces

...yes, today is moving day.

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